0216 499 43 38  0 216 499 43 38      egin@eginetiket.com.tr  egin@eginetiket.com.tr
egin etiket


● Quality Policies
● OHSAS Policies
● Environment Policies
Quality Policies

We, the employees of EGİN EtiketİnşaatTurizm, hereby commit to ourselves and our customers to;

  • Adopt forming a family environment with our fellow employees and working as one as our main principle,
  • Not limit ourselves with the customers’ requirements and go beyond expectations to present our customers with the FASTEST, BEST QUALITY,
  • Form an in company environment, where our fellow employees use their gifts only and freely for our company,
  • Keep the inter-department relations, the exchange of incoming and outgoing data at the highest level, thus making the right decisions for both our customers and our company,
  • Maintain and increase interior and exterior competition and quality,
  • Always be in a strategic partnership with our company’s suppliers and establish relations based on mutual advantage.

We, all employees of EGIN, have made our principle the opinions “continuous learning, continuous development”, “you can’t be good if your development stops” to adopt, apply and continually develop our quality policy and the qualified management system we founded in order to reach our target.

Guaranteeing our customers’ satisfaction will give us the ultimate success and this success will belong to us all.

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OHSAS Policies
Egin, is proud of considering the occupational healt hand safety as the first priority in all bussiness areas.

Egin Management believes that all accidents are preventable and also area ware of the fact that this goal is only a chieved with constant self-development and zero defect policy.

By force of this policy, the following main heading shave been identified.
  • Complying with all national and international law sandregulation sandacting in accordance with international standards.
  • Minimizing all accidents and diseases by controling the source of danger with participation of allemployees.
  • All employees are expected to comply with the requirements of occupational healt hand safety, to secure theen viroment and property while they are keeping up with their activities. This expectation in volves all the employeesas signed in Egin projects as well as joint venture partners hipemployees, employeestaff, subcontractor and supplierfirms.
  • Egin and its employees commit them selves to comply with all the lawsand legal requirements of about the Enviroment and Occupational Healthrules of thenation in which the yare operating.

Basis for achieving this goal is;
  • The existence of the employees who are well in for me dandmotivated to achieve the goal of zero accidents.
  • The existence of labourand management who are sensitive, responsible, conscious to all dangers.

This policy which is committedan dapplied by Egin, will be announceto all our employees as well as the staff working on be half of our firmand also be open acces to public and third parties.

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Environment Policies

Egin is proud of implementing the principle of protection of theemployees, neighbours, enviroment and natural resources, succesfully in all the activities carried out by the firm. By force of this policy, the main heading shave been identified.

  • Pre-determinig and evaluating the impact of the products on theen vironment, specify the goal sandthe destination.
  • Minimizing the waste.
  • Preventingt hepollution at the source and reduceits negative effects on the environment.
  • Using of the natural resources such as; raw materials, energy, fuel and water, in the mostefficient way.
  • Giving employee sand sub suplier senviron mental a wareness training.
  • Reducing package use and waste, make the mrecylableand re-usethem.

This policy which is committedand applied by Egin, will be announceto all our employees as well as thes taff working on behalf of our firm and also be open acces to public and third parties.

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